İçeriğe geç

The Program of Struggle for Revolution


Humankind is in a civilizational crisis. Though having greeted with fanfare the downfall of working-class governments in various countries in the later 20th century, and declared the New World Order in the absence of the socialist bloc, the imperialist-capitalist system no longer holds any promises for the humankind. In the absence of socialism, the peoples of the world face wars, poverty, unemployment, and epidemics.

The civilizational crisis manifests itself as a regime crisis in Turkey. The foundations on which the Republic of Turkey was established, through a noble war of independence that drove out the invaders and subsequently abolished the monarchy, have been shaken under the circumstances where socialism has weakened. The Republic, which has stood for a significant revolutionary breakthrough for our country, has been dismantled within the state apparatus under the reign of counter-revolutionaries. The counter-revolutionaries have purged from the state all remnants of laicism, independence, statism, and citizenship, which formed the core of the Republic.

Even though the Republic has been purged from the state, the struggle is far from over. It is possible to merge Turkey’s heritage of enlightenment with a new revolutionary line, and establish a new, socialist republic; this time under the rule of the working class and not of the capitalists.

At such a juncture, the Movement of Revolution (Devrim Hareketi) embarks on this venture with the aim of creating a revolutionary republican political line by bringing together the fight for the Republic with socialism, with the claim of initiating a new revolutionary era in Turkey.

Our goal is formidable and our ambition is great. However, this does not daunt us. We place our trust in our intellectual legacy, which has provided us with the key to properly interpreting and changing the world, as well as in Turkey’s progressive baggage and the revolutionary potential of her social dynamics.

To identify and eliminate the asymmetry between Turkey’s immense revolutionary potential and the current ineffectiveness of revolutionism, the first step was taken with the establishment of the Movement of Revolution. The claim for a revolutionary establishment on a political ground, which is to unite the fight for the Republic with the goal of socialism in Turkey, has now been brought into the realm of politics.

The Movement of Revolution was founded with the aim of creating Turkey’s revolutionary republican political willpower and transforming oneself into the party of the Turkish revolution. The Program of Struggle for Revolution serves as the roadmap to advance towards this goal, by achieving political unity among the working class and mobilizing the popular classes for the march towards power.

The Movement of Revolution calls upon all citizens who believe in a brighter future for Turkey to join this march.

A. The Movement of RevolutIon Is egalItarIan and fIghts agaInst exploItatIon and InequalIty.
  1. All individuals are equal and have the right to live under equal conditions. No distinction based on ethnic origin, nationality, citizenship, gender, sexual orientation, belief or disbelief, age, knowledge or skills can be considered as a justification for inequality.
  2. The source of social inequality is the private ownership of the means of production, namely capitalist property relations. The Movement of Revolution criticizes capitalist ownership from a revolutionary perspective and advocates for the elimination of capitalist property relations that hinder the development of the humankind through socialist revolution.
B. The Movement of RevolutIon Is emancIpatory and fIghts agaInst all obstacles to people’s freedom.
  1. Freedom is a fundamental basis and goal of a socialist society. The Movement of Revolution does not interpret freedom merely as the removal of oppression and prohibitions, but also advocates for the emancipation of human will and intellect and for the elimination of all direct and indirect barriers that deprive individuals of freedom.
  2. Freedom is not a point to be reached in an uncertain future, but the result of an unceasing struggle for emancipation.
  3. The necessary path to emancipation is to free human practice from economic chains and human intellect from dogmas. The Movement of Revolution exposes the barriers created by economic chains and dogmas before emancipation and struggles to eliminate them.
  4. Basic rights and freedoms such as the right to life, protection of the integrity of mind and body, corporal inviolability, inviolability of private life and domicile, expression, propaganda, organization, use of written and visual communication tools, travel, assembly and demonstration, and the right to vote and be elected cannot be subject of debate. The Movement of Revolution fights against attacks on these fundamental rights and freedoms.
  5. Racist, reactionary, oppressive, and discriminatory views are obstacles to freedom. The Movement of Revolution advocates for taking precautions against the spread and organization of views that aim to subjugate people and target basic rights and freedoms.
C. The Movement of RevolutIon defends laIcIsm and fIghts agaInst reactIonIsm.
  1. Laicism is a prerequisite for equality and freedom, requiring the limitation of the influence of religions on political, economic, social, and cultural life and the confinement of beliefs and conscientious convictions to the personal sphere.
  2. Religious reactionism, which besieges all aspects of social life, most severely besieges the lives of the working class. The Movement of Revolution determines that laicism is primarily the need of the working classes and builds the struggle for laicism on the demands and needs of the working class.
  3. As remnants of religious ideology from ancient times, cults and congregations are structures that aim to bring political, social, economic, and cultural life under the domination of religious rules and thus hinder emancipation. The Movement of Revolution exposes the involvement of cults and congregations in political and economic relations and fights against their domination over society and politics.
  4. The Movement of Revolution considers the influence of cults and congregations within the state as a threat to freedom and the peace of society. It advocates for the cleansing of the state from counter-revolutionary forces, particularly cults and congregations, and the prioritization of merit and commitment to contemporary values in public service.
  5. The Directorate of Religious Affairs, established by the Republic to regulate the religious field based on laicism, has deviated from its founding purpose and has become a focal point for anti-laicist actions. The Movement of Revolution calls for the immediate cessation of all activities of the Directorate of Religious Affairs, which has become one of the biggest obstacles to laicism, and the establishment of a new governmental body that would regulate the religious field based on laicism, treat all beliefs equally, and consider all citizens equal regardless of their beliefs and conscientious convictions. The Movement also fights against the anti-laicist words and actions of the reactionary agents within the Directorate of Religious Affairs and other governmental bodies.
  6. The Movement of Revolution advocates for the abolition of compulsory religion lessons which are inconsistent with laicism, the closure of Quran courses and imam-hatip schools, and the delegation of the duty of training religious personnel to new educational programs which will be established solely for this purpose, whose numbers and capacities will be determined according to actual needs and will themselves comply with laicism.
D. The Movement of RevolutIon defends scIence, enlIghtenment, and creatIve thInkIng and fIghts agaInst hostIlIty towards scIence and enlIghtenment.
  1. Enlightenment is an advanced intellectual movement that advocates for the removal of all irrational barriers to human thought and action. The Movement of Revolution defends the legacy of Enlightenment and reinterprets it within the intellectual and political baggage of scientific socialism.
  2. The defence of Enlightenment also necessitates the defence of science and scientific thinking. The Movement of Revolution acknowledges that humankind owes its current technological level to science and scientific thinking, defends science against hostility and fights for the removal of barriers that hinder the development of science and the dissemination of scientific thinking within society.
  3. The profit-driven use of science by the capitalist class not only impedes the use of technological advancements for the benefit of the humankind, but also slows down the pace of scientific and technological progress. The Movement of Revolution advocates for the liberation of science and technology from capitalist domination, the free development of science and technology, the use of technological capabilities for the benefit of the humankind and equal access to technology by all individuals.
  4. Art, which presents various expressions of the humankind’s longing for a new world and society, is besieged by reactionism and commercialism. The Movement of Revolution fights against the reactionary and commercialist barriers to art and supports artistic production which sides with the labor and enlightenment.
E. The Movement of RevolutIon defends fraternIty and fIghts agaInst all forms of dIscrImInatIon.
  1. Fraternity is the third fundamental value of the French Revolution, along with equality and liberty. The Movement of Revolution interprets fraternity as the peaceful coexistence of citizens from different backgrounds within the framework of equal citizenship.
  2. Diversity of origin among laborers is not a reason for division, but a source of richness. The Movement of Revolution fights for the political unity and fraternity of laborer from different backgrounds.
  3. Discrimination and oppression faced by laborers of various ethnic, religious, and sectarian backgrounds, especially Kurds, are matters of struggle for Revolutionaries. With the awareness that Turkey is the common homeland of laborers from diverse backgrounds, The Movement of Revolution fights against all forms of discrimination and strives for the fight against discrimination to strengthen their sense of belonging to Turkey.
  4. Fraternity is a value that binds laborers who share the same country through the compact of citizenship. The Movement of Revolution recognizes that the concept of citizenship has been eroded in Turkey due to the impact of the counter-revolution, defends the notion of citizenship and civil rights and fights for the reclamation of citizenship based on equality.
  5. Poverty and wars created by the imperialist-capitalist system eliminate the safety and survival conditions of peoples worldwide, resulting in a global refugee crisis. The Movement of Revolution exposes the imperialist-capitalist system and its mechanisms as the source of a refugee problem, advocates for the provision of conditions necessary for asylees to return to their home countries and works towards enabling asylees in Turkey to participate in social and economic life and to access basic services such as education and healthcare without discrimination.
F. The Movement of RevolutIon defends justIce and fIghts agaInst all forms of InjustIce and the capItalIst system that generates It.
  1. The Movement of Revolution determines that social inequalities are the source of injustice and fights against all manifestations of injustice.
  2. The judiciary, which is expected to do justice, paying homage to the politically and economically dominant powers, undermines justice in society. The Movement of Revolution fights against the subjugation of the judiciary to the dominant powers and its guarding of the powerful and wealthy instead of the popular classes.
  3. In modern societies, the law is supposed to provide security for citizens. The Movement of Revolution exposes violations of law carried out for the interests of the dominant powers and fights for the preservation and strengthening of the legal gains of the laborers.
  4. Any form of inequality among citizens is unjust. The Movement of Revolution interprets the struggle for equal citizenship in conjunction with the struggle for justice.
G. The Movement of RevolutIon Is republIcan and defends the republIc agaInst sultanate.
  1. The notion of the republic represents a significant leap forward in the humankind’s march towards equality and liberty. The Movement of Revolution advocates for the notion of the republic in opposition to sultanate and sultanism.
  2. The establishment of the Republic of Turkey, burying the Ottoman sultanate in history, is a great and progressive historical leap. The Movement of Revolution embraces this progressive historical leap and interprets the legacy of the Republic in conjunction with the struggle for revolution and socialism.
  3. In Turkish politics, the foundational problematics of unity, progress, enlightenment and independence derived from the history of the Republic and, rather generally, from the waves of modernization in Turkey have a significant importance. The Movement of Revolution claims for the legacy of all progressive movements in Turkish history and strives to strengthen the revolutionary republican political line by incorporating these fundamental problematics of our country’s history of modernization into the struggle for revolution and socialism.
  4. The values and institutions of the Republic that were dismantled by the counter-revolution in Turkey stand for an experiment and legacy of particular significance for future revolutionary endeavours. Subjecting it to a critical reading through socialist perspective, The Movement of Revolution claims for the legacy of the Republic and advocates for the Republic’s institutions that were eliminated by counter-revolution to be re-established based on socialist principles.
H. The Movement of RevolutIon Is patrIotIc and fIghts for the Independence of Turkey.
  1. Dependency on imperialism is both one of Turkey’s most significant problems and the source of many other problems. The Movement of Revolution struggles to terminate Turkey’s dependency on imperialism in its economic, political and military aspects.
  2. Liberation from dependency on imperialism requires rejecting the economic, political, and military roles assigned to Turkey by imperialist centers. The Movement of Revolution advocates for Turkey’s withdrawal from NATO, IMF and Customs Union, and complete termination of the EU accession process which are all institutional projections of Turkey’s foreign dependency.
  3. Having been driven into bankruptcy by capitalist plunder economy, the only way for Turkey to break free from foreign dependency is to utilize her own resources efficiently and in the interests of the laborers and the homeland, rather than the capitalist class. The Movement of Revolution advocates for a shift from market economy to central planning and the drafting of a development plan based on state ownership, so that Turkey can achieve the level of development she deserves.
        a. Interpreting the Republic’s experiment of planning and development based on the goal of socialist construction in Turkey, the Movement of Revolution advocates for the re-establishment of the State Planning Organization based on socialist principles, the re-nationalization of the public enterprises which were privatized within the framework of neoliberal plunder  and reopening of those which were closed down and the utilization of national resources based on a plan aimed at achieving Turkey’s independence in technology production for Turkey.
         b. The Movement of Revolution views Turkey’s natural assets as the common wealth of the whole people and advocates for their utilization in a manner that aligns with the interests of the entire population and the responsibility to protect the nature.
           c. Neoliberal plunder policies have made Turkey foreign dependent in agriculture and animal husbandry. The Movement of Revolution fights alongside agricultural workers and smallholder farmers to repel attacks by capital in this field, calls for the restructuring of agriculture and animal husbandry based on state ownership as a means of eliminating foreign dependency and the making Turkey a country that can provide cheap, high-quality and healthy food to all citizens.
  4. One of the significant pillars of Turkey’s dependency on imperialism is military dependence. The Movement of Revolution advocates for Turkey’s withdrawal from NATO so that she can liberate from dependence on the United States and NATO and achieving complete independence in the defence industry in the medium and long term.
  5. The security and independence of Turkey require the maintenance of peace in the region. The Movement of Revolution advocates for the re-establishment of the Republic’s principle of “Peace at home, peace in the world” through a revolutionary perspective and opposes Turkey being made part of aggression towards other countries.
  6. It is essential to expel US imperialism and all its collaborators from Turkey and the region. The Movement of Revolution advocates for Turkey to position against US imperialism in the Middle East, to form anti-imperialist alliances with neighbouring and regional countries, and to support progressive and anti-imperialist movements in the region.
  7. The Movement of Revolution recognizes that the Kurdish entity, which spans four countries including Turkey and whom the great powers have their eyes on, is besieged by tribalist, religionist, and Americanizing policies and advocates that strengthening the revolutionary republican political line in Turkey will break the siege on Kurdish citizens.
  8. The security and independence of Turkey necessitate the defeat of imperialism worldwide. The Movement of Revolution stands in solidarity with peoples who resist imperialist attacks and sanctions worldwide.
I. The Movement of RevolutIon is revolutIonary and socIalIst, and It fIghts for the strengthenIng of the Idea of revolutIon and for socIalIsm turnIng Into an actual optIon.
  1. The resolution of all of Turkey’s problems and the country’s attainment of the level of development it deserves, as well as the fair and just utilization of all its resources for the benefit of the working people rather than capitalists, can only be achieved through socialism. Land, factories, machinery, computer software, patents, and formulas for industrial products—i.e. the means of production—should be the common property of the society.
  2. The country’s resources, which will be transferred to  the ownership of the society itself, will be managed through centralized planning that takes into account the interests of the entire society, rather than being subject to market dynamics that are devoid of social interest and rationality. The Movement of Revolution advocates for collective ownership and the idea of planning against the free market system.
  3. Education, which enables individuals to improve themselves and utilize their potential to the fullest, and health, which entails a state of complete well-being in physical, social, and mental aspects, are fundamental services that cannot be left to market mechanisms. The Movement of Revolution advocates for education and health to be provided as public services at all levels by the state, free of charge, and accessible to all citizens.
  4. Humankind, with its level of consciousness and productive power, is yet part of the nature but also has the ability to establish dominion over it, and therefore bears responsibility for preserving the nature. The Movement of Revolution fights for the preservation of Turkey’s natural assets that have been plundered by the capitalist exploitation economy and considers this struggle as a necessity of patriotism.
  5. As long as society remains divided into classes, the idea of revolution remains relevant. The Movement of Revolution strives to strengthen the idea of revolution which is already relevant in Turkey.
  6. The strengthening of the idea of revolution depends on the creation and increased influence of the revolutionary republican political willpower, which would integrate the fundamental issues of Turkish progressivism into the struggle for revolution and socialism and make the goal of revolution its very raison d’être. The Movement of Revolution fights to unite all revolutionaries who envision the future of Turkey in a working class-led revolution, to organize the working class as a political subject, and to become the party of the Turkish revolution.
  7. Socialism, which is the true and unique solution to all of Turkey’s problems, must be turned into a viable option. The Movement of Revolution strives to increase its own political influence and tp bring the program of matured power program of socialism to the forefront of society in order to turn socialism into a viable option in Turkey.
J. The Movement of RevolutIon has confIdence In the revolutIonary potentIal of Turkey’s socIal dynamIcs.
  1. Under the capitalist plunder economy, workers struggle with unemployment, poverty, and the usurpation of their rights. The Movement of Revolution fights to turn the working class, currently immersed in the fight for bread, into a potent vanguard of the fight for revolution and socialism and to strengthen the revolutionary line within the working class movement.
            a. The Movement of Revolution considers strengthening the organization of the working class as an urgent task and empowers class organization at all levels
          b. The Movement of Revolution recognizes that the class struggle extends beyond workplaces into all areas of life, and resists impositions and attacks targeting laborers such as wage reductions, dispossession, the liquidation of public ownership, the curtailment of social rights, and precarious employment, and strives to bring these attacks and the struggle against them to the attention of laborers.
           c. The Movement of Revolution observes that workers tend to distance themselves from the struggle for their rights as they go isolated in the fight for bread, and emphasizes solidarity to maintain laborers’ organization.
  2. The reactionary system in Turkey besieges women from all sides. Women, who experience the most intense exploitation in economic life, are also the most exposed to agressions on part of religious reactionism and of the patriarchal mentality that has persisted from ancient times to capitalist society. The Movement of Revolution embraces the rising women’s struggle in Turkey and fights to strengthen it with a revolutionary and socialist approach to the fight for equality and freedom.
            a. The Movement of Revolution recognizes that the strengthening of the women’s struggle is intertwined with its alignment with the class struggle and fights for the widespread strengthening of organizational power among working women.
            b. The Movement of Revolution acknowledges that the liberation of women is inseparable from the liberation of Turkish laborers, and struggles to integrate women into the struggle for revolution and socialism and to strengthen the revolutionary line within the women’s movement.
  3. Turkey, driven into decline by the counter-revolution, is no longer able to promise a bright future for its youth. The Movement of Revolution considers the youth movements that have played an active role in progressive movements throughout Turkish history as part of its own history and strives for the growth and strengthening of the youth struggle and for integrating the youth into the struggle for revolution and socialism.
             a. The Movement of Revolution observes that youth has played an active role in all waves of modernization in Turkey, embraces the entire history of the youth movement, and grasps the youth movement within the struggle for revolution and socialism.
             b. The Movement of Revolution observes that the youth in Turkey is losing self-confidence, the sense of belonging to the homeland, and hope for the future under the siege of counter-revolutionand therefore strives to instil patriotism and hope for the  country in the youth for the struggle for revolution and socialism and the  new republic expected to be established out of such struggle not to be deprived of that valuable potential.
  4. Alevis in Turkey are not only open to the enlightenment culture but also subject to agressions on part of religionist reactionism. The Movement of Revolution embraces the claims for laicism and equal citizenship on part of the Alevi community in Turkey and grasps these claims within the fight for revolution and socialism.
           a. The Movement of Revolution recognizes that Alevis, due to their openness to enlightenment culture and their exposure to sectarian discrimination, are important elements of the struggle for laicism in Turkey, embraces their claim for equal citizenship, advocates for the removal of compulsory religion courses and for equal legal status for Alevi cultural and religious centers as other places of worship, and fights against oppressive, discriminatory, and assimilationist policies towards Alevis.
           b. The Movement of Revolution observes that the majority of Alevi community consist of laborers and strives to strengthen the labor struggle through greater participation of Alevi laborers within.